The Bridal Bouquet...

Where to start when deciding on the all important bouquet?  This is the key piece you're going to remember for many years after your Wedding and we want you to be absolutely in-love with your choice and our creation.   We recommend you take some time to think about colour, what colour will the brides dress or outfit be, bridesmaids dresses, groom's suit or if both brides would you like the same bouquet colour and style or not.  Consider the season,  summer, spring or heading into Autumn and Winter -  colour is number one consideration and it's often the case that all the other decisions have been made before engaging with a florist, the flowers definitely bring all elements together.

Mood boards either digitally presented or physically,  are so very helpful.  Cut out photographs of the venue, add swatches of material to provide factual colour and texture, include the theme of your wedding, whether its rustic, boho, contemporary, exotic or Alice in Wonderland.  Add in pictures of styles of bouquets and arrangements you like -  it's all very helpful and provides a visual of your desirable outcomes. Pinterest is a useful tool, but do remember, not all images presented are of natural flowers or available in the UK year round.   If you know your flowers that's an enormous help, if you don't, no problem,  we will do our best to guide you towards the choices available to achieve the look you desire.  Petal Perfection bouquets are created using the hand tied method.  Stems are individually selected  and placed to give a natural look either neatly in the shape you desire or loose and softly trailing, not overpowering but enhancing and complimenting.  Some flower heads may be fully open, others in bud, filler florals, a variety of foliage and texture and beautiful scent.

We aim not only to meet your desired outcomes but exceed them.  Then add in your choice of hand hold and ribbon, satin, hessian and linen or romantically floaty silk .....your choice.  When you're ready to start thinking about your Wedding Flowers, please get in touch, subscribe to our Website to be first in the queue for further details about our availability for 2021 Weddings and beyond or contact us on for an initial chat on 07891 299020.  Let your guests add the confetti, only natural dried petals of course ... 

The Bridal Bouquet...